Terms & Conditions of Sales

Terms of Sales

Article-1 Scope and pre-contractual information
These general rental conditions (hereinafter the "General Conditions") apply to all rentals of guest rooms (hereinafter the "Rooms") concluded between the owner of the establishment (hereinafter the "Lessor") and individual consumers (hereinafter the "Customer(s)").
No particular condition can, without formal and written acceptance by the Lessor, prevail over these General Conditions, so that all contrary conditions set by the Customer will be, in the absence of express acceptance by the Lessor, unenforceable against the latter.
The Lessor reserves the right to modify these General Conditions at any time, it being understood that the modifications will only be applicable to reservations made after these modifications.
These General Conditions are communicated to any Customer who requests them and are in any case available on the Lessor's website: www.lagrandemaisonmazamet.fr
They are also communicated when confirming the room reservation to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer.
Any room reservation and in particular any payment of a deposit for the reservation implies the unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions.
Consequently, the Customer expressly acknowledges having had communication, prior to the reservation of the rooms and the conclusion of the contract, in a readable and understandable manner, of these General Conditions and of all the information listed in article L.121- 17 of the Consumer Code and in particular the following information:
  • The essential characteristics of the services and in particular of the rooms offered by the Lessor
  • The price of services and room rentals, as well as the means of payment accepted
  • Information relating to the identity, activity and contact details of the Lessor
  • Information relating to the absence of the right of withdrawal
  • These General Conditions are written in French in their original version which alone is authentic, taking precedence over any other version translated into a foreign language.
If any stipulation of these General Conditions is declared null or without effect whatever the legal basis by a Court or any other administration with authority, such a decision will in no way affect the validity of the other stipulations.
The fact of not exercising, at any time, a prerogative or a right recognized by the present, or of not requiring the execution of any stipulation of the present can in no case be interpreted, nor as a modification of the contract, nor as an express or tacit waiver of the right to exercise said prerogative in the future, or of the right to require the scrupulous execution of the commitments entered into herein.

Article-2 Identity and contact details of the Lessor
The room rental services described in these General Conditions are offered by the Lessor, all of whose information and contact details are given below:
Identity: The Great House of Mazamet
SIRET number:
Address: 15 Boulevard Soult 81200 Mazamet
Website: www.lagrandemaisonmazamet.fr
Email: contact@lagrandemaisonmazamet.fr

Article-3 Description of services - Bed and Breakfast
3-1 The rental services, the rooms as well as all the ancillary and/or complementary services likely to be offered by the Lessor are the subject of a precise description as to their specificities and their qualities on the website. of the Lessor.
Although the Lessor makes every effort to ensure that the photographs appearing on its website are faithful and up-to-date reproductions of its Rooms and services, variations may occur due in particular to the technical characteristics and color resolution of the photographs. .
Similarly, for reasons of internal organization and to ensure the comfort of the rooms and the renewal of furniture and equipment, the Lessor may be required to replace certain furniture and/or equipment shown in the photographs on the website.
The Customer cannot therefore claim any compensation, nor call into question in any way the reservation made due to the inadequacies and delays in updating certain photographs.
from its website.
In any case, the Customer has the possibility of contacting the Lessor for any questions and/or additional clarifications on the details of the services and Rooms offered by contacting him at the contact details referred to in Article 2 above.
Similarly, a specific quote can be drawn up by the lessor taking into account the specificities of the requests and needs expressed by the Customer.

3-2 The Customer is expressly informed that the Rooms offered by the Lessor are designed for a precise and determined number of people.
Consequently, the Lessor may at any time, without incurring its liability in any way and for any reason whatsoever, refuse the entry and presence of additional people in the Rooms initially rented.
The Customer expressly acknowledges and accepts that the Room rental services offered by el Lessor are for a limited and determined period, so that he could not claim, for any reason and at any time, a right to maintenance in the places.

Article-4 Formation of the contract - Booking conditions
4-1 Confirmation of reservation
It is expressly reminded that the Customer can read the precise description of the rental services and Rooms offered by the Lessor, through the latter's website and/or by contacting the Lessor using the contact details set out in article 2 of these General Conditions.
Whatever the method of making contact, the Lessor sends to the Customer, to his postal or e-mail address according to the Customer's instructions, a booking confirmation (hereinafter the "Booking Confirmation") containing the details of the or Room(s) reserved, prices and terms of payment, including the deposit referred to in Article 4-2 below, as well as these General Terms and Conditions.

4-2 Payment of a deposit
4-2-1Unless otherwise agreed otherwise by the Lessor, the conclusion of the rental contract is expressly subject to the prior payment of a deposit of twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount of the reservation made, all taxes included (TTC).
The Customer is informed of the obligation to pay this deposit and of the terms of payment according to Article 5-2 below, during the Booking Confirmation referred to in Article 4-1 above.
It is expressly agreed that the payment of the aforementioned percentage constitutes a "deposit", thus excluding the qualification of "deposit" in accordance with the provisions of Article L.131-1 of the Consumer Code.
Consequently, the payment of this deposit by the Customer and its collection by the Lessor firmly and definitively commits the Parties to the rental contract, subject to the stipulations of Articles 4-5 and 4-6 below.
Any deposit paid by the Customer is cashed upon receipt by the Lessor to confirm firmly and definitively the reservation of the Room(s) and deducted from the invoice relating to the total amount of the stay.
He isexpressly reminded that the payment of a deposit by the Customer entails the unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions.

4-2-2 Notwithstanding the aforementioned stipulations, for reasons of internal organization of its establishment and for stays of less than two nights, the Lessor reserves the right to require the Customer to make full cash payment prior to any firm reservation and definitive of the Chambers.
In this case, the Customer will be expressly informed when confirming the Reservation sent by the Lessor.

4-3 Online booking and payment
4-3-1 The Customer can make a Room reservation directly from the Lessor's website. In this case, he must follow the following steps:
  • Complete, according to the instructions provided to him online, the reservation form made available to him where he must include the information necessary for his identification, in particular his surnames, first names, postal address, and e-mail address.
  • Check the elements of the reservation and, if necessary, identify and correct any errors or omissions.
  • Validate the reservation, the total price including all taxes (TTC) as well as the payment of the deposit according to the conditions referred to in Article 4-2 above.
  • Follow the instructions of the online payment server to pay the price including all taxes (TTC) or the deposit requested in accordance with Article 4-2.
The Customer then receives electronically and without delay a reservation confirmation mentioning the acceptance of the payment and the validation of the reservation made.
At the end of the reservation process, it is recommended that the Customer download, save or print these General Conditions.

4-4 Modification / Cancellation by the Customer
4-4-1 Unless otherwise agreed by the Lessor, the reservations of Rooms made as the dates of arrival cannot be modified by the Customer, from their firm and definitive validation and in particular from the receipt of the deposit referred to in Section 4-2 above.
In any event, the Customer undertakes to notify the Lessor of any late arrival in relation to the agreed date and time and in any case after 8 p.m. in accordance with Article 6-1 below.
In the absence of information and if the Customer does not show up before the mandatory arrival times referred to in Article 6-1 below, unless otherwise agreed by the Lessor, the reservation will be deemed canceled by the Customer and the Lessor may freely dispose of the rented Room(s).

4-4-2 Unless there is a force majeure agreement, in the event of cancellation of the reservation by the Customer:
  • six (6) weeks or more before the start date of the stay: the Lessor undertakes to reimburse the Customer for the entire deposit paid
  • less than six (6) weeks before the start date of the stay: The Lessor retains the entire deposit paid
  • Less than eight (8) calendar days before the start date of the stay: the Lessor retains the entire deposit paid and reserves the right to request the total amount, all taxes included (TTC), of all reserved nights, with the exception of non-consumed additional services.
4-4-3 Similarly, in the event of no-show by the Customer, without information or warning in this respect from the Lessor, as in the event of a shortened stay, the Lessor retains the entire deposit paid and reserves the right to request the total amount, all taxes included (TTC), of all the nights reserved, with the exception of additional services not consumed.

In any case, the Customer undertakes to inform the Lessor of any modifications and/or cancellation by any written means (postal letter, electronic mail).

4-5 Modification / Cancellation by the Lessor
4-5-1 Given the management constraints specific to the reservation of Rooms and for reasons of security and/or temporary rehabilitation of the Rooms, the Lessor reserves the right to change the Room initially reserved by a Room of the same capacity. and standard or higher capacity and standard.
In this case and unless otherwise agreed by the Lessor, the Customer may not request any reduction in the price of the reservation made.

4-5-2 Except in cases of force majeure, in the event of cancellation of the reservation by the Lessor:
  • Less than six (6) weeks before the start date of the stay: the Lessor reimburses the Customer for the entire deposit paid.
  • Less than eight (8) calendar days before the start date of the stay: the Lessor reimburses the entire deposit paid and, in the absence of an amicable solution agreed to relocate the Customer, pays compensation equal to the total amount, all taxes included (including tax), of all nights reserved, with the exception of additional services not consumed.
4-5-3 In any event, the Lessor undertakes to inform the Customer of any modification and/or cancellation by any written means (postal letter, e-mail)

Article-5 Price and method of payment:
The rental prices of the Rooms and of all ancillary or complementary services are indicated by the Lessor on its website and/or in all brochures, documents and internet platforms provided and/or accessible by the Customer, as well as in the Booking Confirmation sent in accordance with article 4-1 above.
Unless otherwise stated, these prices are inclusive of all taxes (TTC) taking into account the VAT rate applicable on the day of the reservation, with the exception of the tourist tax.
The Lessor reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood that the price modifications will only be applicable to reservations made after said modifications.

5-2 Methods of payment:
On the day of departure, the Lessor draws up an invoice corresponding to the total amount, all taxes included (TTC), of the reserved stay, minus the deposit previously paid in accordance with article 4-2 above.
The balance of the invoice is to be paid by the Customer on the day of his departure.The additional services consumed by the Customer during his stay will also be the subject of an invoice and payment at the end of the stay.
The means of payment available to the Customer are: Cash, Credit Card, Transfer, Cheque, Chèque-vacances.

Article-6 Obligations of the Lessor:
6-1 Subject to the regular completion of the reservation formalities by the Customer and in particular the payment of the deposit referred to in Article 4-2 above, the Lessor undertakes to make available to the Customer the Rooms reserved according to the agreed dates and duration of stay.
In this context, unless otherwise agreed by the Lessor, the Customer is expressly informed of the mandatory arrival and departure times below:
  • Arrival times:5 p.m., it being specified that the Customer must imperatively inform the Lessor in the event of arrival after 8 p.m.
  • Departure times: No later than 11 am.
6-2 Subject to the causes of Article 4-5-1 above, the Lessor undertakes to guarantee the Customer peaceful enjoyment of the rented room and the availability of its equipment and furniture.

Article-7 Customer Obligations:
7-1 Use of Rooms and premises
The Customer is required to use and enjoy peacefully as a "good father" of the room or rooms rented, as well as the furniture and equipment thereof.
It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the rooms as well as in the common areas of the Lessor's establishment.
More generally, in order to ensure the tranquility and peaceful enjoyment of the premises by all the Lessor's customers, each Customer undertakes to respect reasonable and adequate good manners, as well as all the instructions which would be communicated by the Lessor and which would not appear in these General Conditions.
7-1-2 In accordance with article 1731 of the Civil Code, the Customer is presumed to have received the rented Room, its furniture and its equipment in good working and conservation condition and is required to return them to the Lessor in the same state.
Consequently, the Customer responds and is required to compensate the Lessor for any damage and/or loss occurring during the stay, rendering the rented Room unsuitable for its destination and for any new rental, unless these damage and/or losses took place without his fault.
The Customer is required to send the Lessor any complaints relating to the conformity and/or condition of the Rooms reserved within three (3) calendar days of entering the premises.
In any case, the Customer is required to inform the Lessor as soon as possible of any incident, degradation and/or damage which may or may not occur, from the moment of entering the premises and for the entire duration stay.

7-2 Animals:
Small pets are accepted in the Lessor's establishment under the full responsibility of their masters, and for a participation of 10 euros including tax per day and per animal.

7-3 Pool:
The swimming pool is accessible every day during the opening period (From June to September) and on the daily time slot from 10 am to 8 pm.
Access to and use of the swimming pool are exclusively reserved for resident Customers, under their full and sole responsibility, so that the Lessor cannot be held liable, in any capacity whatsoever, for any accident occurring in the space. pool.
Minors wishing to access the swimming pool must be accompanied by their parents and/or an adult having authority over them, who are solely and exclusively responsible for their care and supervision.
More generally, each Customer undertakes to scrupulously respect all indications and instructions provided by the Lessor regarding access to and use of the swimming pool area.

7-4 Responsibility towards minors:
The Customer is expressly informed and alerted to the fact that minors present and evolving in the Lessor's establishment are placed under the sole and entire responsibility of their parents and/or any person having authority over them.

7-5 Personal Property:
The Customer's personal property is placed under the sole and entire responsibility of the latter, who is responsible for taking all useful and necessary precautionary and security measures for their preservation and/or for the damage they may cause.
Subject to the relevant legal provisions, the Lessor cannot bear any liability whatsoever in the event of loss, theft, injury and/or damage caused to property and/or persons located in the Lessor's establishment, whatever be the cause and the moment.

Article-8 Force Majeure
8-1In accordance with article 1148 of the Civil Code and the definition adopted by the case law of French courts and tribunals, force majeure means any event outside the control of the Parties and having a character that is both unpredictable and irresistible and/ or inevitable.
Consequently, it is expressly agreed that in the event of default by one of the Parties, in any of the obligations provided for and/or arising from these General Conditions due to an event of force majeure within the meaning of this article , the defaulting Party cannot be held liable vis-à-vis the other Party.

8-2 More specifically, the Client is expressly informed of the fact that the Lessor may be prevented, against his will, from complying with all or part of his obligations under and/or arising from these General Conditions due to an event of force majeure. , such as in particular, without the list being exhaustive:bad weather, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, water damage and any climatic event making it impossible to receive and/or accommodate Customers under normal and legal security conditions.
In such cases, it is expressly agreed that the Lessor may not incur any liability whatsoever, nor be liable for any compensation whatsoever vis-à-vis the Customer due to the total or partial non-performance of its obligations.

Article-9 Personal data
The information and data concerning the Customer are collected and collected by the Lessor solely for the purpose of processing Room reservations. This information and data may be collected and recorded in a customer file belonging to the Lessor.
In accordance with the "Data Protection Act" of January 6, 1978, the Customer has a right to access, withdraw and rectify his personal data from the Lessor by contacting the latter using the contact details referred to in Article 2. .
Similarly, the Customer is expressly informed that during the room reservation process, he may subsequently accept or refuse to receive commercial and/or promotional offers from the Lessor.

Article-10 Disputes:
These General Conditions and any contractual relationship arising therefrom between the Parties are exclusively governed by French law, with the exception of any other foreign legislation and/or regulations. For any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation, execution, non-execution, interruption and/or termination of these General Conditions and of any obligations arising therefrom, the jurisdiction of the Courts will be determined in accordance with the regulations and applicable international conventions.